Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Finding Erica in 2009

2009 came quickly-

Between work, running, eating, and sleeping, I made no time for ERICA in 2008. Where did she go? I've decided to find her this year. After a few days of soul-searching, I've set goals and am determined to accomplish dreams that I've long forgotten-
Going public with these things may be risky, but I've learned time and time again that SAYING (typing) it, makes it real. It gives my dreams a place in this world, rather than a 'dream,' they become goals. Goals tend to inspire, while dreams tend to fade- at least in my life.

Here Goes: Finding Erica in 2009
1.) Run a marathon
2.) Compete in my first Triathlon
3.) Sing in front of a crowd
4.) Write a song on the piano
5.) Pay my tithe monthly
6.) Go on a missions trip, or be planning one
7.) Start a Blog (DONE!)
8.) Run a half marathon under 2 hours
9.) Re-do our two bathrooms
10.) Take a road trip with my husband
11.) Read the entire bible

Ha. there are more written down at home, I cannot remember them all. For now...that is plenty to overwhelm me...

So here is to finding myself again. To letting go of losing myself, and to being inspired to move ahead in life.

I'll keep you updated on the journey-

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