Friday, January 29, 2010

I turned into an onion in 2010

Can't believe I haven't written since December. As usual, lots has happened. So hello again to you. The title of my new post is true: I've turned into an onion this year.
Explanation: I've decided that every month I will give up something for 20 days straight. I'm not sure what the rest of the year will hold, but this month was alcohol. Not that I drink often, but I did want to give up something that I enjoy doing to see what things take effect in my life....
I realized that truly giving something up has taught me more about OTHER things to enjoy. Instead of wine with dinner, a glass of water would usually inspire me to go to the gym and get a GREAT workout in...something I've neglected for far too long. Instead of going out with friends, I drove everyone and still laughed just as hard, (and danced just as hard) but woke up the next morning feeling like a champ.
But setting aside all of the physical changes and things I did differently, I noticed that by giving up something I was able to continually look deeper into who I am as a person. I know this sounds very emotional and feely (not sure if that is a word or not), but it truly was a sweet time for me to unwrap things in my life that I often don't take the time to examine.
I feel like pieces of my walls, pieces of my callousness are shedding...thus the onion analogy. I had more time to consider my life and the things that I have burried to deep inside that I've truly never taken the time to hash out and de-clutter. I learned to love my work and to appreciate what I do there. I've taken time to just sit and dream with my husband about the "Maybe someday..." dreams we have. I've experienced the physical sweat and blood from beginning a rigorous running schedule again, something that has taken a back seat for too long.
I've peeled back several layers this month....all just from giving up alcohol. Odd.
I think next month I may be giving up coffee...I know right?! Not sure if that's the final decision yet or not....but I do have to say that I'm curious to see what else begins to shed when other things leave my everyday life. Of course...I will keep you posted (literally).

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